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Explicit Sex Scenes In Movies

As you can see, there's no lack of sensual thrills to be had on Netflix, if you know where to find them. The movies we've pointed out above are an amazing jumping off point for a delightful night of filmic sexual adventure, and who knows what else you'll find in the library of this streaming giant once you begin searching for these titles. But, be sure to stream responsibly. If need be, make sure the kids are either watching Looney Tunes or are asleep before embarking on any of these explicit viewing escapades.

Themes of sadomasochism and sexual angst have been depicted in movies with more nuance and maturity by many great auteurs. So, if you are really looking movies with lots of sex scenes, there are many better options. The below list consists of movies where the actors let them completely uninhibited and shot several great steamy sex scenes. Be mindful that these are not movies with real sex scenes. These are movies with lots of sex scenes. So, if you are not in a mood for something lighter than porn, these are your best options.

explicit sex scenes in movies

When Night Is Falling originally received an NC-17 rating for its graphic sex scenes, but this thoughtful drama has more than nudity going for it. Camille is a professor at a religious college who finds herself slowly falling in love with Petra, a circus performer she meets on the street one night.

Before he made movies Andy Sidaris revolutionized TV sports, winning awards for his coverage of the NFL and Olympics. Then he retired and decided he just wanted to make movies with large breasted women firing machine guns.

Curtis had very few nude scenes throughout her career, but this film is a notable exception. Thankfully director Amy Holden keeps this from falling into the territory of exploitation despite the film being produced by Roger Corman. Available with a free Shout Factory trial.

Delta Airlines passengers watching award-winning 2015 film Carol, a film about a forbidden 1950s-era lesbian romance starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, are being treated to an edited version of the film which removes not just sex scenes but all same-sex kissing from the movie.

For its part, Delta says the decision was made by the film studio, which issued only one edited version of the movie for commercial use. That version also strips out several explicit sex scenes, which was what the airline was concerned about.

"If we were worried about kissing we wouldn't be showing the film in the first place, but because there are scenes with more than a few seconds of nudity, we opted for the edited version instead of the theatrical version," the airline told Entertainment Weekly in a statement. 2ff7e9595c

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